Completed Projects
Scouting for natural alternatives
March 11, 2003 to
April 30, 2007
The main objectives are (1) to separate three chemotypes in mixed populations of Withania somnifera, (2) to study the polysaccharide content in various chemotypes of Withiania somnifera, (3) to assess the glycyrrhizin and flavonoid diversity in Glycyrrhiza glabra, (4) to evaluate the polysaccharide and sugar content in Glycyrrhiza glabra accessions.E-waste management in India
December 1, 2005 to
April 30, 2007
The overall objective of the project is to encourage and strengthen the links between European and Asian countries, NGOs and local organizations and to expand the role and contribution of unorganized recycling units in India promoting at the same time sustainable environmental protection system.The aim of this project is to encourage recyclers, assemblers, and vendors of e-waste to adopt environmentally sustainable, cleaner and suitable technology, and best practices for handling and management of these wastes.Rehabilitation of renewable energy projects for rural electrification and livelihood development in Philippines
June 21, 2004 to
April 30, 2007
The main objective is to ensure the sustainability of NRE (new renewble energy) projects through pilot testing rehabilitation and livelihood development. Major tasks are (1) identification of issues for failure of donor-driven renewable energy projects through secondary data, stakeholder meetings, and visit to about ten project sites, (2) rehabilitation of 2-3 projects selected on the basis of pre-developed criteria that include economic and financial justification of investments, community mobilization, and livelihoods development, (3) documentation and dissemination of results.Commercialisation of renewable energy and energy efficient technololgies in India
October 1, 2004 to
April 30, 2007
TERI launched a project Commercialization of renewable energy and energy-efficient technologies in rural India, funded by British High Commission, to create a sustainable market for solar photovoltaic technologies in the states of Rajasthan and Gujarat. The project is an extension of activity of the previous project 'Implementation of renewable energy technologies in rural India', implemented in the states of Uttaranchal and Rajasthan. Economic and social sustainability is what the project is all about.