TERI Council for Business Sustainability
TERI Council for Business Sustainability (TERI CBS) serves as the interface for TERI’s research work to be connected to the corporate world. TERI CBS engages with the core issue of what businesses must do to shape and lead in sustainability. The Council is a network of Indian business leaders working on a shared commitment to mainstream sustainability in business strategies and practices. Activities of the Council are governed by an Executive Committee - comprising CEOs from amongst the member companies.

Project Reports
- Make Hydrogen in India: Driving India towards the clean energy technology frontier
- Making Mission Possible: Delivering a Net-Zero Economy
- Open Access: Stakeholders’ Perspective
- The Potential Role of Hydrogen in India – 'Harnessing the Hype'
- Renewable Power Pathways: Modelling the Integration of Wind and Solar in India by 2030
- Bending the Curve: 2025 Forecasts for Electricity Demand by Sector and Indian States in the Light of the COVID Epidemic
- India: Transforming to a net-zero emissions energy system - Scenarios Sketch
- Towards a Low Carbon Steel Sector: Overview of the Changing Market, Technology, and Policy Context for Indian Steel
- Green Steel through Hydrogen Direct Reduction: A Study on the Role of Hydrogen in the Indian Iron and Steel Sector
- SDGs still remain relevant for accelerating focussed sustainability actions by Indian businesses