Completed Projects
Poverty reduction through energy projects
September 25, 2000 to
July 9, 2001
- Develop a detailed evaluation framework to identify and assess the direct and indirect impacts of energy projects on poverty reduction- Review country assistance plans and suggest alternative and specific areas that can have greater impact on poverty reduction
Detailed Energy Audit of Associated Cement Companies Ltd. Gagal Cement Works.
May 30, 2001 to
July 5, 2001
Ultrafiltration of hot clarified sugarcane juice in sugar factory
July 1, 2000 to
June 30, 2001
@ Develop and test heat-tolerant membrane modules for purification of hot sugarcane juice@ Pilot test a 10 m3/h membrane-filtration plant
On-site bioremediation at ONGC Dhansiri Valley Project at Jorhat
November 1, 2000 to
June 22, 2001
@ Carry out on-site treatment of oily sludge using OilzapperBioremediation of oily sludge at the HPCL Refinery
June 1, 2000 to
May 21, 2001
The primary objective of this project was to carry out an on-site treatment of oily sludge using Oilzapper.Bhutan: state of the environment 2001
January 1, 2000 to
May 9, 2001
@ Provide the foundation for improved decision-making at all levels@ Increase awareness and understanding of environmental trends and conditions
@ Facilitate the measurement of progress towards sustainability
India: state of the environment 2001
February 1, 2000 to
May 9, 2001
@ Provide a foundation for improved decision-making at all levels@ Increase awareness and understanding of environmental trends and conditions
@ Facilitate the measurement of progress towards sustainability
Cost of unserved energy in India
July 15, 1998 to
April 10, 2001
@ Estimate the cost of unserved power in the agricultural and industrial sectors for the two Indian states, Haryana and Karnataka@ Assess costs incurred during specific outages or reductions in service quality
@ Assess the cost of back-up power or other mitigating measures
@ Assess the willingness to pay for reliable and uninterrupted power supply
ALGAS (Asia Least-cost Greenhouse Gas Abatement Strategy): Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) component
December 20, 1996 to
March 31, 2001
@ Conduct training and make available suitably qualified consultants to assist the DPRK study team that is implementing the project in the country@ Carry out activities for completion of the tasks under the project with the DPRK staff
@ Make arrangements for designated members of the DPRK study team to receive intensive training in suitable research institutions outside the country
Regulatory framework for water services in the state of Gujarat
April 17, 2000 to
February 28, 2001
@ Identify and suggest changes in the existing legislations to facilitate private investment@ Develop an enabling regulatory framework to facilitate private sector involvement
@ Suggest measures to promote competition
@ Develop a policy framework for tariff-regulation
@ Develop a framework to protect consumer interests