Completed Projects
Climate change enabling project for the DPR of Korea
October 18, 1997 to
March 31, 2000
@ Strengthen national capacity in undertaking@ an assessment of the potential impacts of climate change in the DPRK
@ an analysis of potential measures and development of a national action plan to adapt to climate change
@ a compilation of the above results and the mitigation analysis from the ALGAS-DPRK project to prepare the first national communication for the DPRK Provide technical support to the National Committee on Environment and Ecology, Government of DPRK in preparing a GHG inventory, an analysis of mitigation options, and their national communication
Environment improvement and sustainable development of the Agra-Mathura-Firozabad trapezium of Uttar Pradesh
August 1, 1997 to
March 22, 2000
@ Provide a comprehensive assessment of the prevailing situation in the Taj trapezium, an area of 10 400 square kilometres around Agra@ Recommend appropriate projects for improvements in the state of the environment and the quality of life within the Taj trapezium
Design and development of website for Windamere Hotel, Darjeeling
January 1, 1970 to
January 1, 2000
Website: www.windamerehotel.comRecommissioning of 10 kW stand-alone wind electric generator (SAWEG) in Leh and Ladakh
August 1, 1987 to
November 24, 1999
@ Carry out recommissioning of a 10 kW SAWEG installed by TERI in 1989@ Install a state-of-the-art inverter, a new voltage control system, and maintenance-free batteries
@ Meet power requirements for lighting and other low-power appliances
@ Train army personnel in the operation and routine maintenance of the system
Purification of sugarcane juice by membrane separation technique
November 25, 1997 to
July 31, 1999
@ Develop a membrane separation process for the purification of sugar cane juice@ Design, erect, and commission a 10 000-litre/hour membrane filtration plant
Environmental/social performance indicators (ESPIs) and sustainability markers in minerals development: reporting progress towards improved health and human well-being
February 23, 1998 to
June 30, 1999
The objective of this project, was to describe, develop, and test new and improved tools and methods for research on ecosystem approaches to human health and wellbeing. It was a collaborative project with the University of Bath, UK, and the University of Antioch, Colombia. In the Phase I, a conceptual framework of performance indicators and sustainability markers was developed. This framework can be used by different user groups to systematically evaluate and communicate the performance of mining projects with regard to improving the well-being of mining related communities over time.Development of 5-kilowatt MCFC (molten carbonate fuel cell)
April 1, 1996 to
June 30, 1999
@ Design and fabricate MCFC stack components,namely electrodes, electrolyte matrix, and bipolar
separator plates with internal gas manifolding
@ Assemble the stack with the above components and
incorporate a control systems for gas flow, temperature, and
power output
@ Test the stack performance.