क्या कोरोना के कहर से बच पाएंगे रिसाइक्लिंग से जुड़े अनौपचारिक क्षेत्र के कूड़ा इकठ्ठा करने वाले लोग?
| April 2, 2020
कोरोना वायरस की इस वैश्विक आपदा में न सिर्फ़ कूड़ा प्रबंधन की बल्कि अनौपचारिक क्षेत्र से जुड़े कचरा इकठ्ठा करने वाले लोगों की दशा दयनीय है। कचरा प्रबंधन के इस दौर में, भारत में लगभग 40 लाख अनौपचारिक कूड़ा इकठ्ठा करने वाले हैं। जहाँ भारत की राजधानी दिल्ली में अकेले ही लगभग 5 लाख अनौपचारिक कूड़ा इकठ्ठा करने वाले रहते हैं, वही भारत के प्राचीन शहर वाराणसी में ये लोग लगभग 12000 हैं जो कि इस अचानक से हुए लॉकडाउन में यथा स्थिति में फंसे हुए हैं।
TERI statement on COVID 19 crisis
| March 31, 2020
Statement by Dr Ajay Mathur, Director General, TERI on the COVID 19 pandemic and the challenges beyond it
Jewar International Airport: Suggestions for rehabilitation and resettlement of the project-affected families
| March 30, 2020
The work of the first phase of the Noida international airport has commenced in January 2020 after the Gautam Budh Nagar district administration obtained possession of 1239 hectares of land acquired under The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act (RFCTLARR), 2013 from six villages in Jewar tehsil - Rohi, Dayanatpur, Kishorpur, Parohi, Ranhera and Banwari Bas.
GIZ-TERI to help Panjim reduce GHG emissions through municipal waste management
| March 26, 2020
Starting May 2020, GIZ-TERI Team will audit all 125 housing societies within the city limits to assess the implementation of the Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016, the Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016, and the Construction & Demolition Waste Management Rules, 2016.
Fostering a Sustainable Urban Future
Policy brief
| March 25, 2020
With growing urbanisation, sustainable development will continue to increasingly depend on the successful management of urban growth and natural resources. This discussion paper suggests recommendations to incorporate and adapt sustainable solutions in cities in India.
Carbon footprint of urban public transport systems in Indian cities
Research Paper
| March 23, 2020
Investment in public transport is unarguably one of the most critical measures to be adopted by the Indian city authorities to tackle the issue of rising private vehicles, congestion and pollution. A large number of Indian cities are in the process of planning/implementing public transport projects, mainly – city bus system, bus rapid transit system (BRTS) and metro rail transit system (MRTS). Decisions related to the development of a particular type of public transport system are primarily based on technical and financial criteria.
Managing India's clean energy waste: A roadmap for the solar and storage industry
| March 18, 2020
With the increasing penetration of distributed renewable energy sources such as solar PV and energy storage into the Indian electricity sector, it is necessary to prepare for managing the waste generated from these technologies. The reduce, reuse, and recover approach offers multiple socio-economic benefits besides being environmentally benign.
Jewar international airport: Gender impacts of impending displacement
| March 13, 2020
TERI undertook a study to comprehend the perception of women to the prospective displacement and relocation to a new site following the acquisition of land for the proposed international airport.
Nano biofertilisers can be a 'disruptive technology' in Indian agriculture
| March 11, 2020
There are no dangers of fertiliser runoffs that contaminate natural water bodies and adversely impact human health and environment. Also, miniscule amounts of nano fertilisers give maximum impact, making these a much better an option than the chemical ones.