Blue economy meets international political economy: The emerging picture
Research Paper
| November 27, 2020
Blue economy like green economy tries to bring to forefront the role of economic players, both state and non-state market actors, thus making it important to examine the issue from the lens of international political economy. This article defines blue economy as economic practices that seek to achieve conservation, inclusive development and sustainable use of oceans and seas as commons through poly-centric, multi-level and multi-actor interventions.
Discounting the Climate Future: Social Discount Rate for India's Climate Policy
Policy brief
| November 27, 2020
Climate change, from an economic perspective, can be understood as a market failure. The associated risks with this changing climate, as well as impacts on socio-economic systems in form of health, livelihood, food and water security, are projected to be higher with increasing global warming.
Students RoaR for wildlife conservation in India
| November 20, 2020
"In the end we will conserve what we love, we will love only what we understand, and we will understand only what we are taught." - Baba Dioum
Climate future for the next 20 years will be driven by what Asia does
| November 13, 2020
As promised by President-Elect Joe Biden, the world awaits January 20, 2021 for the United States of America to join back the Paris Agreement. To understand and analyse recent developments involving the world's major emitters, TERI organized a discussion on ‘Global Politics in an Era of Disruption: Insights from the US, EU and China'.
Strengthening Urban Climate Action: Takeaways from a Webinar Series
| November 11, 2020
Climate change impacts, such as increased rainfall intensity, sea-level rise, flooding, and heatwaves, pose significant challenges for urban systems worldwide. They adversely affect cities' basic services, infrastructure, housing, health, and economy.
कोविड -19 वैक्सीन: विश्वसनीय कोल्ड चेन के लिए सौर ऊर्जा
| November 9, 2020
भारत में दुनिया के सबसे बड़े टीकाकरण कार्यक्रमों का संचालन होता आया है, इसलिए यहां कोविड -19 टीके को जरूरतमंदों तक पहुंचाने में बहुत ज़्यादा समस्या नहीं होगी। लेकिन वर्तमान परिदृश्य में इस पृष्ठभूमि के आधार पर केवल एक हद तक ही ऐसा निष्कर्ष निकाला जा सकता है। इस दृष्टि से यह ठीक ही है कि नीति आयोग की ओर से गठित एक टॉस्क फ़ोर्स वैक्सीन के वितरण यानी लॉजिस्टिक्स पर ध्यान केंद्रित कर रही है। इसमें ख़ास तौर पर कोल्ड चेन पर ध्यान देना शामिल है जो वैक्सीन की गुणवत्ता बरक़रार रखने में मददगार होगी।
Could the National Capital Region serve as a control region for effective air quality management in Delhi?
Policy brief
| November 4, 2020
Air pollution does not follow administrative boundaries, and needs to be tackled at the regional "airshed" level at which it is caused. Identifying the appropriate candidates for airshed management requires scientific analysis using systematically developed emissions inventories and dispersion models to simulate the impact of the estimated emissions on air quality.
Understanding Perspectives: A Behavioural Study in the Indian Cooling Sector
Policy brief
| November 2, 2020
The impact of climate change is manifesting itself in increasingly erratic weather patterns, and even these increasing in frequency and severity. Heat waves in the summer months across the hemispheres are becoming more the norm than the exception. The 2019 report by the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimated that around 2.3 billion people could be both exposed and vulnerable to heatwave events due to 1.5°C of global warming.
G20 Circular Carbon Economy: Fostering Circularity in Plastics
Policy brief
| October 27, 2020
Fostering circularity in plastic use is an effective way to reduce contamination of marine and coastal environments with plastics and man-made debris. However, there are many challenges down this path.
G20's role in Marine Biodiversity
Policy brief
| October 27, 2020
Collectively, Group of Twenty (G20) countries are yet to reach the 10% target set under the 2020 Aichi biodiversity targets - including marine biodiversity - and SDGs. This policy brief explores policy options and best pratices for enhancing Marine Protected Areas (MPA).