
Harnessing the power of information technology for sustainable development: challenges ahead

02 Apr 2000 |
Dr R K Pachauri
| TERI Newswire VI(7)

The stock market in New York has, in the past few days, exhibited several unexpected changes which have had a worldwide impact in the stock exchanges in major countries. In India too, technology stocks have reflected the changes in the NASDAQ index in New York.

Clear the air: unprepared India and pushy US jeopardise an initiative on climate change

28 Mar 2000 |
Dr R K Pachauri
| India Today

President Bill Clinton's visit may see a joint statement with Prime Minister A B Vajpayee in two key areas: climate change and renewable energy. Clearly, the threat of climate change requires solid understanding and partnership between countries of the north and south. Given the fact that the US has historically been, and is, the largest contributor of emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs), its actions to limit these emissions are of considerable importance. India is important as it is a leading voice among the Group of 77, which has taken fairly uniform positions in negotiations on climate change.

Restructuring Indo-US relations: urgent action essential

17 Mar 2000 |
Dr R K Pachauri
| TERI Newswire VI(6)

President Clinton's visit to India is being seen by several observers as a watershed in Indo-US relations. The political implications of the visit apart, what does have a great deal of significance for India in particular is the prospect of a much stronger economic content in the relationship between the two countries. While there were very few heavyweight industry leaders in President Clinton's delegation, this should not be seen as a significant omission, given the fact in the past few years several major US companies have established a major presence in India, particularly in the field of information technology. President Clinton's own assessment of the dynamism of Indian society and the strength of the country's democratic institutions would provide a very powerful feedback to the captains of industry and political leaders in the US.

Crippled by fiat!

16 Mar 2000 |
Mr S Sundar
| The Economic Times

The promulgation of the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Amendment) Ordinance, 2000 has been hailed as a positive step towards strengthening the telecom regulator. It must be said to the credit of the ordinance that for the first time, the objectives of the legislation have been clearly spelt out. Furthermore, for the first time, the ordinance recognises the growing convergence of technologies, and has rightly included broadcasting services within the meaning of telecommunication services.

Decision-making processes in India: quality inputs essential

02 Mar 2000 |
Dr R K Pachauri
| TERI Newswire VI(5)

The Delhi scene is currently buzzing with activity in preparation for President Bill Clinton's visit to India. Over the past few weeks, several teams of officials from the US have been doing the rounds of Delhi and other cities which were regarded as possible destinations for the Clinton visit, and the contours of the President's itinerary are now fairly clear. Even though President Clinton would be completing his term of office in less than a year, the fact that a US President is visiting India after a gap of 22 years is a significant development. Undoubtedly, at the political level there have been hectic preparations for the discussions that would take place between the US President and the Indian Prime Minister as well as between senior officials from both sides, but it is not clear whether India has prepared adequately to define a common agenda in the fields of science and technology, climate change, environment, and energy.

"Managing transition vital"

01 Mar 2000 |
Dr R K Pachauri
| The Financial Times

TERI is a premier research organization focusing on energy and environmental issues. In a freewheeling interview with Nitin Chittal of FE-Thinktank, TERI director, Dr R K Pachauri spoke extensively on the ongoing reforms process in the power sector.

"Remove poverty beforetackling environmental problems"

25 Feb 2000 |
Dr R K Pachauri
| The Indian Express

The capital hosted one of the biggest gatherings of recent years with world leaders and academicians coming for the conference on 'Global Sustainable development in the 21st century: Directions for innovation and change'. The occasion was TERI's 25th birthday. The conference had 400 delegates from 25 countries and those from corporates like Shell, Indian Aluminium Company and Unilever. They rubbed shoulders with representatives from World Bank, UNEP and ex-premiers from Japan, Sweden and Nepal. Dr R K Pachauri, TERI Director, spoke to Sonu Jain.

Call for global sustainable development: TERI's Silver Jubilee Celebrations

17 Feb 2000 |
Dr R K Pachauri
| TERI Newswire VI(4)

The third week of February was a momentous occasion for TERI and marked a major milestone in the history of the Institute. In the period 18-21 February, TERI celebrated its Silver Jubilee by organizing a series of conferences dealing with the most critical issues defining sustainable development. TERI staff have reason to feel satisfied and proud that the occasion was able to attract some of the most outstanding leaders from all over the world, drawn from the fields of science and technology, business and industry, international organizations, governments, academia and the media.

Power sector reforms: welcome development

02 Feb 2000 |
Dr R K Pachauri
| TERI Newswire VI(3)

The Government of Karnataka has, it is reported, decided on privatizing distribution by the end of the year 2001. This is an extremely welcome development, and according to newspaper reports, the Union Ministry of Power has got into an agreement with the Government of Karnataka to provide certain financial allocations in response to the plans of the state to pursue a time-bound path of reforms. This too is a very healthy and welcome development because in the past the divergence of stands taken by the centre and some states has led to sluggishness in the reforms process with several states unwilling to participate in a purposeful manner.

"Reforms are needed in the upstream sector"

18 Jan 2000 |
Dr R K Pachauri
| The Economic Times

The energy sector in India has been witnessing significant shifts in the past few years. Both the industry and policy-makers are gradually beginning to realise the fall-outs of the new policies, which are based on market principles rather than administrative prices. While, in the power sector, the government started off with a liberalised policy allowing private investors in generation, distribution and transmission, in the oil and gas sector, the government is now moving towards market prices for petroleum products instead of administered prices.

Dr R K Pachauri, Director-General of TERI, one of the premier research organisations in the field of energy, spoke to Soma Banerjee and M K Venu of The Economic Times on the new trends in this sector.