Indigenous Knowledge in Muga Culture and Terminologies used by Muga Rearers of Lower Assam, Assam, India

Nath Premananda, Goswami Naba Kumar
Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume - 13, Issue - 08, August - 2023, Print ISSN No. 2249 - 555X, DOI : 10.36106/

Muga culture is one of the major cottage industries in Assam and engaged a huge number of families for their livelihood. Assam is the highest producer of Muga silk in India. The sector is mostly associated with traditional practices and the muga rearers believe that muga culture is not only a source of livelihood for them but also a custom and tradition of Assam. Though the recent development and new package of practices are in place, most of the rearers are reluctant to adopt the recent techniques and associated with age old traditional thoughts and practices.

Muga culture, Silk, Indigenous, Terminology