Effect of nitrogen concentration on lipid productivity and fatty acid composition of Monoraphidium sp

Dhup Saumya and Dhawan Vibha
Bioresource Technology, Vol. 152: 572-575p.

Green algae, Monoraphidium sp. T4X, was isolated locally, in New Delhi, India and identified as a potential source of biofuel. The study focuses on the effect of nutritional amendments and their uptake rates with respect to growth and change in fatty acid composition of the species. The lipid productivity and fatty acid profile were investigated and compared under six different nitrogen concentrations. Of the tested concentrations, cultures with nitrate concentration 0.36 g/l exhibited higher lipid productivity (0.18 g/l/day) with optimum content of all fatty acid compositions (SFA = 37.22, MUFA = 39.19, PUFA = 23.60) with appropriate biodiesel properties. The right phase for harvesting microalgae was also investigated on the basis of the growth curve.

Algal biofuels
Lipid productivity
Nutrient uptake rate
Fatty acid composition
Harvest time