Support to Government of Uttar Pradesh for establishment of Strategic and Policy Advisory Unit for Uttar Pradesh Clean Air Management Programme (UP CAMP)

The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) with support from the Clean Air Fund and Bloomberg Philanthropies aims to provide strategic and policy support to the Department of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of Uttar Pradesh to ensure that the activities within UP CAMP are streamlined and designed in the most efficient ways to drive the achievement of NCAP targets across the 17 non-attainment cities in the State.
Since the establishment of the National Clean Air Programme (NCAP), the Government of India (GoI) has continued to strengthen its air quality management governance. In August 2021, a law established the Commission for Air Quality Management for the National Capital Region and NCR and adjoining areas (CAQM) to handle different aspects of poor air quality for Delhi and 5 surrounding states and urban territories including Uttar Pradesh. This put into effect India’s first multi-sector, multi-jurisdictional airshed approach to tackle air pollution.
Uttar Pradesh is one of the first states in India to pioneer an airshed management approach for improving air quality and has been actively working on the development of a Uttar Pradesh Clean Air Plan (UCAP) since 2021 with support from the World Bank. Post successful completion of UCAP, the state is gearing up for a first state airshed management programme (Uttar Pradesh – Clean Air Management Programme or UP-CAMP) with a $350 million loan-cum-grant support from the World Bank. UP-CAMP was approved by the Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Government of India in September 2022.
To strengthen systems for airshed management and contribute to the implementation of priority measures for reducing air pollution under Uttar Pradesh’s Clean Air Action Plan as per the NCAP targets of a 40% reduction in PM2.5
State authorities understand source contribution and the potential of different interventions for control.
Identification of prioritised sectoral interventions/strategies to control air pollution.
Advancing implementation of sector-specific interventions for air pollution reductions.
Intended outcomes
Demonstration of airshed approach within UP CAMP contributing to the National Clean Air Program goals.
Strengthened state capabilities for air quality management and planning.