National Transport Decarbonization Council

TERI is serving as a Secretariat body for the National Transport Decarbonization Council (NTDC) and will be responsible for bringing diverse stakeholders together and steer activities required to adopt an integrated approach towards decarbonizing the transport sector in India
The transport sector in India is among the fastest-growing and energy-intensive sectors and hence its relevance to oil demand and direct emissions. The transport sector is responsible for 13.5% of India’s energy-related CO₂ emissions. It accounts for the largest share of the consumption of petroleum. Since the last decade, the use of oil by India’s transport has risen by 91%. About 90% of the total energy demand has arisen from road transport, followed by rail and air. India needs to strengthen the plan of action to decarbonize its high carbon-emitting transport sectors.
The National Transport Decarbonization Council (NTDC) will bring all the stakeholders of different domains to a single platform for further discussions on the strategies and impact of important policy prescriptions towards the decarbonization of the Indian transport sector.
The Council will assess the decarbonization and zero-emission targets set by the government, particularly at the central level, and suggest strategies that would result in a significant impact on reducing emissions.
Under the guidance of the Council, theme-based workshops on key issues in the transport sector (passenger and freight) will be organized backed by research as guided by the Council to suggest changes in the policies.
Keeping these objectives in mind, the Secretariat (TERI) has identified three topics:
- Vehicle Scrappage Policy
- Emission reduction and efficiency improvement
- Part A: CO2 emission reduction through fuel efficiency improvement
- Part B: Tightening of emission norms by switching to Euro VII equivalent emission
- Biodiesel as fuel
Date: July 20, 2022
Date: August 2022
Date: December 16th, 2022