Clean water by River bank Filtration - A Demonstration of a Novel Site Selection and Implementation Strategy in Southern India

02 Jul 2007 31 Dec 2009
The project specific goal is to demonstrate at a site in Karnataka that RBF is a technique capable of economically producing high-quality water from the low-quality local river water. At the same time, we will show to independent small private sector providers (SPSP) that a successful business model can be formed around the design, installation, and operation of RBF systems in Karnataka and the rest of India. Using the heavily polluted Kali River watershed in southern India as a showcase, our teams first objective is to apply our tested strategy for evaluating which sites are most promising for RBF systems. And once sites have been chosen, we incorporate locale conditions such as river stage variability, contaminant load, riverbank geology and others into the design of the RBF system.