Regulatory initiatives for water conservation

15 Jun 2023

India has shifted from an age-old "state-centered" decision-making model in the water sector to a "market-determined" paradigm. Independent regulators are positioned to restructure the water sector with an emphasis on institutional reforms, a demand-responsive approach, and community participation in the management of water resources. On the whole there is an urgent need for undertaking water conservation by water regulators in all sectors including agriculture (industrial or domestic). Regulatory initiatives for water conservation especially through the use of "water conservation credits" as in Punjab, should be undertaken by all the water regulators. Water use is significant in agriculture. But water use efficiency is very low compared to international standards in this sector. Regulators should guide users using a framework of model 'water saving schemes' developed in consultation with stakeholders, policymakers, water managers, and more. Community participation and women's involvement are a must for water conservation. Political commitment to water conservation should be the priority at all levels.

Water resources