Webinar on "Development of roadmap to achieve an additional carbon sink of 2.5 to 3 billion tonnes of CO2 equivalent through additional forest and tree cover in India by 2030 (Forestry Sector NDC for India)"
Climate change is a major challenge for a developing country like India that is particularly vulnerable to climate risks. It is alarming when economic growth and social upliftment are critical to India's development trajectory. However, India is completely committed to achieving the NDC targets. It has committed on creating additional carbon sink of 2.5 to 3 billion tonnes of CO2 equivalent through additional forest and tree cover by 2030. TERI will prepare a roadmap to achieve this goal. This requires an insightful analysis into the existing legal and legislative framework in the country around forests and interrelated sectors. Two scenarios will be addressed, a Business as Usual and a Desired Level scenarios till 2030. These scenarios would be developed by analyzing a slew of policy, technological, financial, capacity building and other relevant measures. The roadmap will be built upon these scenarios to address the steps needed to achieve and if possible surpass this target.
In this context we at TERI are organizing a webinar on "Development of roadmap to achieve an additional carbon sink of 2.5 to 3 billion tonnes of CO2 equivalent through additional forest and tree cover in India by 2030 (Forestry Sector NDC for India)" on Monday, July 6th 2020 from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm (IST). The webinar shall focus on identifying and analysing the factors that influence the achievement of forestry sector NDC goal for India as well as the challenges and opportunities involved in implementation of the goal.
On 6th July 2020, 01:30 PM - 03:30 PM IST

Dr Jitendra Vir Sharma Director, Land Resources, TERI
Dr. Sharma holds a doctorate degree in economic valuation of forest ecosystems. He has has nearly 34 years' experience in leading, coordinating and managing projects and activities in the forestry sector. Dr Sharma has coordinated and implemented donor-funded projects from both a governmental perspective (as an Indian Forest Officer) and as Director of the Forestry and Biodiversity Division at TERI. He also has extensive expertise in global forest policy and international negotiations and has been a negotiator on behalf of Government of India to the United Nations under the UNFF process. As Deputy Inspector General (DIG) Forest Policy and Forest International Cooperation, Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEFCC), he was responsible for international cooperation including negotiations. Dr Sharma coordinated with FAO and Asia Pacific Forestry Commission on behalf of Government of India. As National Focal Point he organised the 21st session of the Asia Pacific Forestry Commission in 2006. Dr Sharma was the key organiser and co-chair for a country led initiative on the Payment for Ecosystem Services under United Nations Forum on Forests hosted by the Government of Germany, Berlin.

Dr Subhash Ashutosh Director General, Forest Survey of India
Dr Ashutosh belongs to 1986 batch of Indian Forest Service in Assam-Meghalaya cadre. He has served in Government of Meghalaya in different capacities in the Forest Department and held the position of PCCF till recently and has served two deputation tenures at Forest Survey of India (FSI) as Deputy Director and Joint Director.
His area of specialization includes applications of geospatial tools and techniques in forest management and natural resource monitoring, Inventory of Forests, Forest carbon accounting.

Mr Prakash Chandra Lakhchaura Deputy Director General, Forest Survey of India
Mr Prakash Lakhchaura belongs to 1998 batch of Indian Statistical Service. Currently he is serving as Deputy Director General in Forest Inventory and Centre for Forest Carbon Assessment Department at Forest Survey of India. His area of specialization includes Remote Sensing & GIS and Carbon Inventory of forests.

Ms Priyanka Research Associate, Centre for Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services, Land Resources, TERI
Ms Priyanka holds a doctorate in Natural Resource Economics and has nearly 4 years' experience of projects and activities in the forestry sector. She has worked on topics related to valuation of ecosystem services, assessment of carbon stock of five pools of carbon in forest ecosystem, CDM, Eco restoration of open cast mines degraded land, capacity building for livelihood in Odisha, REDD+ project in Meghalaya and related subjects. Her areas of interest include natural resource management, environmental economics and carbon forestry.

Dr Alok Saxena Former PCCF, Andaman & Nicobar Islands
Dr. Alok Saxena joined Indian Forest Service in 1983 and retired as Principal Chief Conservator of Forests and as Principal Secretary (Forests) and Principal Secretary (Science & Technology) from Andaman & Nicobar Administration in June 2017. In his 34 years of service as an IFS officer he held many key posts both in State Governments and in Government of India. He had served in Forest Survey of India as Deputy Director from 1993-98 and as Joint Director from 2001-2006 and also as Additional Director in Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy, Dehradun. His areas of interests have been forest resource assessment, forestry research, marine biodiversity and Island biodiversity.

Mr Siddharth Edake Fellow and Area Convener, Centre for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, TERI
Mr Siddharth Edake is a Master's of Science (M.Sc.) in Biodiversity and currently is working as a Fellow and Area Convener of the Centre for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (CBES) at The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), New Delhi. For more than a decade, he has focused on conserving forests and biodiversity across India through research and action. His passions include wildlife photography and traveling.