Capacity Building Program on Ambient Air Quality Management in Kolkata
A three-day program on capacity building for Ambient Air Quality Management was held in Kolkata at the West Bengal Pollution Control Board's Training Hall at Mani Square for staff members of the National Clean Air Program from different cities in West Bengal and other officials.
The program was inaugurated by the Chairman and Member Secretary of the West Bengal Pollution Control Board in presence of Dr. S.K. Sarkar, Distinguished Fellow, TERI. During his inaugural speech Dr. Kalyan Rudra, Chairman, West Bengal Pollution Control Board emphasised the importance of the ongoing program of the board with TERI and express his thanks to TERI for conducting the Capacity Building program for the Staffs from different municipal Corporations and regional offices of the Pollution Control Board.
Dr Rajesh Kumar, IPS, Member Secretary of the West Bengal Pollution Control Board highlighted the favorable comments received from participants in the most recent capacity-building session that TERI ran in 2023 for the board's personnel. He stated that the board expects TERI to be associated for a long time under various activities.
Mr R. Suresh, Ms Shivani Sharma, Mr Prabhat Sharma, Mr Ved Prakash Sharma, Mr Justin Jacob, Dr Richa Sharma, Ms Jhanvi Shah, Mr Dheeraj Mehra and Md Hafizur Rahman deliver the lectures on different topics related to Ambient Air Pollution Management. Professionals from local institutions were delivered lectures on Microplastic analysis in air,Statistical analysis, Data handling, Application of AI,ML&DL and drone technology for air quality management. All participants visited a Remote Sensing based vehicular emission testing facility and CAAQMS as an exposure visit. Dr Arindam Datta coordinated the entire capacity building program. TERI colleagues who were present at the program expressed that TERI should develop the capacity on new technologies for air quality management those were discussed during the program by the professionals from local institutions.
Dr. S. K. Sarkar and Justice Chaudhury taken the feedback from participant after the end of the training session in presence of Dr. Debasis Chakraborty, the NCAP nodal office of the West Bengal Pollution Control Board.